Failed to load command rackup

As of Ruby 3.0, webrick is no longer part of the standard library. When you try to run bundle exec rackup, you'll hit an error telling you that Rack can't find a webserver. To fix this, you need to choose a webserver and install the gem for it. You can easily bump into this if you're following an old tutorial; for example Effective Testing with RSpec.

How to set a Mac up for development - Homebrew, iTerm2, fish shell, font and colour customisation

We use the terminal a lot. Let's make it better than the default. Let's make it great. We'll learn how to set up a new Mac with Homebrew, iTerm2 and Fish shell. We'll also install a Nerd font and a new colour scheme.

Decrypt Rails config credentials on a newly cloned repository

How to decrypt the config/credentials.yml.enc file in a Rails application when you've cloned your repository onto a new machine by regenerating the main key and encrypted credentials file.

Error: It seems there is already a Binary installing docker cask with homebrew

Using Homebrew to install Docker Desktop without error when you already have docker installed.

Failed to build gem native extension when bundling mimemagic

Magically fix the curious error message of missing MIME databases on a Mac when you try to `bundle install mimemagic`.

How to list remote branches in git

Learn to use git on the command line to list local and remote branches.

Installing mit-scheme on MacOS with Homebrew

Use Homebrew to install mit-scheme on a Mac so you can conquer SICP. Learn a little Latin on the way.

Building a simple one column blog using Tailwind CSS part 2 - Header and menu

Part 2 of a practical introduction to using Tailwind CSS to develop a simple blog layout.

Building a simple one column blog using Tailwind CSS part 1 - Setup and basic page structure

Practical introduction to using Tailwind CSS to develop a simple blog layout.